We have moved into our brand new downtown office at the corner of Broadway and Bellview

Introducing SUIIS

Bangshuo Zhu

Welcome to SUIIS!

We are Sydney Impact Investing Society, the first student-led impact focused society. This society was founded by a group of like-minded students wishing to challenge traditional methods of investing, and show the potential for positive impact that investing can have. By creating a welcoming space inclusive of diverse disciplinary focuses, we hope to shift the face of investing and empower students to integrate their social and environmental beliefs in their financial decisions.

Our mission

With the increasing flow of capital into impact investing and impact management principles, the principles of global finance are changing. A core aim of SUIIS is to promote these new principles and show that investing can have positive, measurable impact whilst also providing financial return. To this end, a wide variety of business and industry leaders oriented around making both positive impact as well as profit through capital investment will be speaking at weekly SUIIS events, to better prepare the workforce for the changing face of investment. There has been a boom in recent years in impact funds and ESG-centric investing. Impact investing now accounts for $715 billion on the global investing market, with a growth of 42.4% year over year (src: GIIN, 2020).

Additionally, in the last two years, there has been a trend from European investors switching from non-ESG to ESG funds, selling $7.5 billion of the former and buying $4.3 billion of the latter (src: Calastone). Such changes point to a larger trend within the global investing market towards concern for positive impact in addition to profit. Whilst impact investing is no silver bullet for fixing all of the world’s problems, it is a significant development in solving the social problems beyond the scope of government and philanthropy. SUIIS aims to thrive on this cutting edge, and prepare the newest generation of graduates for the imminent paradigm shift of investment.

The future of SUIIS

During the first half of Semester 2, 2021, we will begin ongoing weekly panel events headed by industry experts from all areas within the large field of impact investing. A mentored competition regarding venture capital case study will begin midway through Semester 2. Next year, in Semester 1, SUIIS will be running a semester-long impact and ESG analyst training program. We plan to launch a student-run impact fund midway through next year, as well as a global social impact competition squad.

We are very excited to bring the ideas of impact investing to you, so we can; learn together, collaborate and challenge traditional methods of investing. We hope to see you during our weekly events!

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